Trio No Treble
release June 6 2020
"Trio no Trebles debut album; “The Devil's Deal Trio”, contains everything from the big composers of classical music to the strange sounds of Trygve Brøske. In his piece you will hear everything from the ukulele, kalimba to even playing on chains.
The members of Trio no Treble are versatile musicians that play everything from classical to folk and pop music. “The Devil's Deal Trio” contains new music by Trygve Brøske and their own arrangements of pieces by the legendary composers of classical music. In this recording you will experience Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and even a presto movement from Michael Haydn's Divertimento, composed for this extraordinary combination of string instruments.
They have also included a fast and fun version of Waltzing Matilda, showing their versatile skills in different genres.
Trio no Treble is a young and up-and-coming Norwegian string trio that consists of viola, cello and double bass. A trio without treble, only dark and deep sound!
In December 2019, they had a Christmas Calendar on social media. On Christmas Day, Stephen Fry joined their Calendar.
Trio no Treble was founded in 2017, and since they started they have played several successful concerts in the Trondheim-region, various parts of Norway in general and Serbia."
Lars Marius Hølås - viola
Eivind Rossbach Heier - cello
Jostein Bolås Brødreskift - double bass
“How lovely your rendition is! I really enjoyed it, really love the mellow vibe, thank you!”
“Alt fremført med høy musikalsk integritet. Gnistrende samspill og briljant teknikk”
“Disse er musikere verd å ta på alvor, vel å merke: et alvor med en god dose latter”
“Disse er musikere verd å ta på alvor, vel å merke: et alvor med en god dose latter”
“Frisk og annerledes strykeoppvisning ”
Producers: Trygve Brøske and Alex Robson
Recording engineers: Jo Ranheim and Kyrre Laastad
Mixed by Jo Ranheim
Mastered by Karl Klaseie
Photos: Kristoffer Wittrup, Kristoffer Hylland Skogheim and Ole Wuttudal
Design: Kristoffer Hylland Skogheim
Recorded in Øra Studio: 24th - 27th of February 2020