Karoline Wallace

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Lang vinter is karoline wallace’s first self titled album.
release: april 5 2019. 

The Norwegian singer, composer and arranger, Karoline Wallace, will release her album: Lang vinter - meaning “Long Winter”. It’s her first record in her own name on  Øra Fonogram. She has brought along an octet of excellent jazz and folk musicians who will surely pull you out of winter hibernation.

The dynamic music of Lang vinter was written during the exceptionally long Norwegian winter of 2018. It is set to life by eight active musicians who are among the major driving forces in the jazz and folk scene of Norway. All of the musicians have a personal sound and are carefully selected by Wallace to form her music with their personality.  They can be heard in prosperous Norwegian bands such as Skadedyr, Masåva, Billy Meier, Molecules, Baker Hansen, Hullyboo, Morgonrode, and many more.

In her music, Wallace has tried to capture those moments throughout the winter where everything stands still and you are either filled with wonder, joy or silence. The music is a reaction to that silence. “Lang vinter” wishes to, with their sense of humor and joy of playing together, convey an ease to hearten the gray days with songs such as “Nå skal det faen bli vår” (meaning: God damn it, spring has to come), but also to touch base with the grave feelings you can get when the darkness seams everlasting on tedious days, or when the reasons behind the intense weather and long winters shadow your mind, feeding your worries for the future.

Wallace has several releases under her belt. The most recent release of her music, with her band Molecules and the acknowledged pianist Erlend Skomsvoll, received reviews stating;
- “Louder Than You is, so far, the most exciting album of the year” - Roald Helgheim, Dagsavisen
- “One of last year's most awesome Norwegian jazz albums” - Deichmann Musikkblogg

Karoline Wallace
- vocals, compositions, arrangements
Arnfinn Gursli Langesæter - saxophone, clarinet
Helga Myhr - hardanger fiddle, fiddle, vocals
Henriette Hvidsten Eilertsen - flute, vocals
Åsmund Solberg Løvland - pedal steel
Bjørnar Kaldefoss Tveite - double bass
Øystein Aarnes Vik - drums
Kjetil Jerve - piano


Her arrangements suggest a unique rainbow of colors, from the darkest, reserved hymn-like ones, to bright and playful, swinging jazz rhythms, with surprising shiny country pedal steel lines and even shinier local folk dances, sometimes spiced with exotic Eastern scales.
— Eyal Hareuveni
Det er mange gode norske plater for tiden. En av dem er Lang vinter utgitt på kremlabelet Øra Fonogram, av komponist og sanger Karoline Wallace
Karloline Wallace har laget en fin debutplate, som man kan sette seg rolig tilbake å drømme til
— Jan Granlie


Recorded in Øra Studio (Trondheim, NO) January 19th and 20th 2019 by Karl Klaseie
Mixed and mastered by Karl Klaseie in Øra Mastring (Trondheim, NO)
Cover design by Synne Amanda Salvesen
Produced by Karoline Wallace
All music by Karoline Wallace