Karoline Wallace
karoline wallace’s second self titled album. Following the triumph from “Lang vinter”.
release: January 15 2021.
Wallace continues with her orchestral and large, distinctive soundscape, and this time she has written new music inspired by her grandmother’s garden. Twisted roots spreading wide and far, written for a European electroacoustic octet.
"Grandma's garden may seem like a normal garden, but it is in fact full of magic. Just about every plant that grows there comes from cuttings she has collected throughout her life. From experiences, travels, and meaningful encounters. You will find plants that originate from my mom's bridal bouquet, bushes from her childhood home in Lofoten and cacti she stuffed in her purse when on vacation in Gambia with Grandpa. I have been inspired by the way Grandma's cuttings grow and become a part of something bigger, and I have collected my own cuttings. As in grandma's garden, you do not need to know about each one to experience the whole, but look closer and you will find words, sounds and melodies, my grandfather's laughter, and my parents' young and infatuated voices.” - K. Wallace.
On the album «Stiklinger» you can hear recordings from Wallace’s childhood, her parents’ travel diary from travelling around Asia in ’86, her father on a roller coaster in Hong Kong, musical cryptograms and the melody of dialling her childhood home's phone number. The musicians she has written for this time are some of Europe's most interesting improvisers and instrumentalists that she met while living in Copenhagen. Hopefully, the magic that emerges in this recording will be transferred to the listener, and will inspire to think about cuttings in one's own life - what would you want to preserve for the future?
Wallace has several releases under her belt. The most recent release of her music, with her band Molecules and the acknowledged pianist Erlend Skomsvoll, received reviews stating;
- “Louder Than You is, so far, the most exciting album of the year” - Roald Helgheim, Dagsavisen
- “One of last year's most awesome Norwegian jazz albums” - Deichmann Musikkblogg
- “A very good album with varied and meaningful music!” - Orkesterjournalen
- “Wallace is an artist that deserves a lot of attention, be it as a vocalist, songwriter or bandleader.” - T. Hammerø
Karoline Wallace - vocals & compositions
Jonas Engel - alto saxophone & clarinet
Ida Nørby - cello
Erik Kimestad - trumpet
Thibault Gomez - prepared piano
Petter Asbjørnsen - double bass
Szymon Pimpon - drums
Kristian Tangvik - cassettes
“Highly recommended and original avant jazz with Norwegian texts”
“Særegne og fascinerende melodilinjer”
“A really unique and avantgarde-leaning listening experience”
“Sterk bodskap”
“musik der både overrasker voldsomt i kraft af en ekspressionistisk stil og varmer skønt i kraft af et varmt og autentisk, personligt tilbageblik.”
“Den musikalske kraften setter seg i minnet”
Recorded at RMC, Copenhagen May 12th by Christian Berg
Mixed and mastered by Karl Klaseie, Øra Mastering
Produced by Karoline Wallace
Co-produced by Arne Martin Nybo
Cover design Benedikte Wallace and Magnus Skarphedinsson